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I Miss You Already: Preparing for the Unbearable Loss of Your Pet
Transforming Grief in the Veterinary Space
"What a breath of fresh air to have a skilled therapist specializing in anticipatory grief offering & infusing her insight into the veterinary space. I will definitely be sharing this beautiful & thoughtfully written book with my clients. Not only will animal lovers feel deeply seen & moved by this book, but I know that my veterinary colleagues will find invaluable support for this important, heartfelt, sensitive, & emotional work we do for animals & their caregivers every day."
~ Dr. Eve Harrison, VMD, CVA, CVPM, CCFP The House Call Vet Academy
Facing the Unbearable Loss
Have you experienced the pain of watching your beloved pet approach the end of their life or sudden onset of symptoms? Are you aware of the impending loss of your pet? This stirs up feelings of grief even before they’re gone, an experience known as “anticipatory grief.” Most people find grief unbearable and uncertain how to navigate it/ That's why I wrote this book.
The Book's Purpose
"I Miss You Already" (IMYA) offers a unique, transformational methodology to navigate the plethora of pain points associated with pet loss:
- Understanding Grief: Grief, especially related to pet loss, is often misunderstood and inadequately supported.This book will help to validate this disenfranchised grief.
- Coping and Managing Emotions: Learn how to cope with the tsunami of effects of anticipatory grief: depression, anxiety, insomnia, guilt, and regret and more.
- Healing Process: Healing isn’t about getting over the loss but about processing it in a way that makes us better humans.
A Groundbreaking Approach
This book combines professional therapy skills with personal experiences of pet loss, offering readers a roadmap to navigate their grief journey.
Crowdfunding for a Cause
It takes a village to publish a book. Your support is crucial to publish and distribute this book, offering guidance and relief to those suffering from pet loss as well as animal related businesses, such as veterinarians. All contributions will cover all the costs of publishing, including, but not limited to, editing, copyright fees, production, marketing, and distribution.
Please join our community and contribute to our campaign and help us make the mission of "I Miss You Already" a reality, bringing hope and healing to pet owners and veterinary professionals worldwide.
Who Will This Book Help:
- Pet parents facing the heart-wrenching experience of losing a pet.
- Veterinarians, Animal Hospice and Veterinarian hospital staff who support pet owners through this process.
- Anyone experiencing anticipatory grief for a beloved pet or person.
- Anyone who has already experienced this pet loss and wants to heal the grief that follows.
- Anyone who wants to learn about embracing grief and moving beyond grief.
Rewards for Contributors
By contributing to this campaign, you’ll receive exclusive thank you rewards, including advance copies of the book sets, private consultations, grief meditation, bereavement package from vets,and much more. Your support will help bring this vital resource to those who need it most.
Author’s Journey
After losing two service dogs, Toaster and Pink, within nine months of each other, the author realized the profound impact of anticipatory grief. Through her professional expertise and personal experience, she developed a methodology, "7 Powerful Practices to Manage Your Mind and Heal Your Heart ," to help others navigate this challenging time.
Nancy learned how to prepare for as well as to bear the unbearable loss of her dogs and is dedicated to helping others do the same.
It is Toaster's and Pink's legacy to help Nancy teach others how to bear the unbearable loss of your beloved pets. Knowing that does give Nancy's grief meaning while honoring Toaster and Pink.
Why This Book Matters
- Many people don’t know how to navigate the overwhelming emotions of grief, especially anticipatory grief.
- This book aims to change that by providing the tools and understanding needed to process pet loss in a healthy, supportive, and transformative way.
- IMYA was inspired by a deep commitment and mission to make a difference in how the world perceives, understands, experiences, supports, and heals loss and grief, both human and pet.
Why Is This Book Unique and Timely?
- I Miss You Already Preparing for the Unbearable Loss of Your Pet addresses in great depth the UNADDRESSED FIRST stage of grief: Anticipatory Grief
- It is unlike other pet bereavement books which focus on grief After the loss.
- I Miss You Already provides understanding, appreciation and perspective on how to navigate Anticipatory grief,
- This unique perspective of personal experience combined with clinical expertise, teaches readers how to use this time to heal with their pets.
- Through Nancy's lens, she teaches readers how to manage the unbearableness this stage often bears.
- IMYA is a groundbreaking teaching memoir providing invaluable grief education, support, tools, and guidance, the first of its kind.
About the Author
Nancy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Life Coach, #1 International best-selling author, consultant, delightful podcast guest/speaker, and a life-changing expert who "gets it" through being in the same fires in the trenches as you and has learned how to rise from the ashes.
What is most unique about the teachings in IMYA is that it bridges this unaddressed gap in the field of bereavement: the grief BEFORE loss. Through this new and unique paradigm Nancy traversed and transformed into a methodology, teaching the reader how to grow beyond grief through the lens of her personal journey and professional expertise.
"As an expert on pet loss grief, Nancy shares her journey from anticipating the loss of her dogs to letting them go, teaching us tools, skills, and practices that heal your heart. This book shows us how to address grief and trauma effectively." ~ Karen Shaw Becker, Animal Wellness Expert and Veterinarian, NYT best-selling author
- 10 ordered
- 40 remaining
VERY Early bird price! 1 copy of IMYA and online course with a Companion Journal. These books have limited availability because this is a "special run", signed and shipped by me.
This book set is like a DYI course. The Journal prompts, passages and quotes from the book follow each chapter in IMYA. Using the journal after reading each chapter helps to deepen your understanding as it pertains to your personal journey. This leads to more healing.
Sharing is Caring! Gift this IMYA set to any family member or friend who has, is or will be going through pet grief will feel so supported by you. It's comforting and healing, as it educates the reader about anticipatory pet grief.
It's like a DYI course and you could even do it together!
The Journal prompts and quotes follow each chapter in IMYA so you can personalize, write about, and focus on material relevant to your journey and take a deeper dive.
BUY one, GIFT one= 4 books: 2 IMYA soft cover books and 2 IMYA Companion Jounals.
Yes it does!
This gift is intended exclusively for purchase by animal care professionals (veterinarians, animal hospital staff, pet sitters, etc.
It's not easy on the heart to euthanize anyone's pet, but if it must be done, then providing a bereavement gift that shows how much you care really makes a difference at that tender moment between you and your client. They will remember you. They will cherish this gift of honoring their pet and their parenting.
It not only sends a caring message to the client, but it also makes you feel good about offering the variety of grief resources I offer in this support gift.
When Toaster and Pink flew over the Rainbow Bridge, it didn't feel like a rainbow. What did help me was that right away, all of their many vets sent me cards that reminded me of what a good parent I was, a pet loss storybook, a tree planted in their name or something to offer support and comfort.
Large bulk order pricing and customization is available.
In this package, (which can be customized), contains:
*50 paper copies of this valuable guide on What To Do Immediately After the Loss of Your Pet . Like the hour after, like the day of. Like the day after...written by Nancy Gordon, LCSW
Combining professional expertise on communication, and personal experience of loss.
*50 Paws For Comfort bereavement support card created by Nancy Gordon, LCSW. "When you don't know what to say, we do!"
Combining professional expertise on communication, and personal experience of loss.
This is a discounted fee for a full 50 minute video session with me. I promise you will walk away feeling better than you came in! (based on my experience with clients at the end of a session).
Also included are the discounted and signed copy of IMYA and the Companion Journal AND a photo of you and your pet (or just your pet) with a few sentences you want to express your honoring and remembering your pet on my website's memorial page
I'd like to support the costs of my services, so I offer unique financing options through this campaign platform if you want to continue with me.
This ticket gains you entrance to an "invite only" live 1 hour webinar I will offer after the book is published, so date TBD.
The intention of this webinar is to offer what's NOT in the book: exclusive insight into my journey of writing this book and how I managed unexpected triggers of MORE grief than I expected. There's a lot to tell!
I will facilitate a discussion and Q & A about this and anything in the book participants wish to discuss. I have no doubt participants will walk away with a greater understanding of what it means find ways to honor their pet and to share their grief.
One SIGNED copy of Pink the 3 Legged Dog Who Lost Her Leg and Found Her Courage©
Pink's true inspirational story for children (and adults! She helped ME get off the couch and figure out "how to do it differently"!)
Beautifully written and illustrated, this book tells the story about how to change your reaction to life's challenges and rise to resilience.
There are 3 original digital songs based on the themes of this book, which are taken from my 7 Powerful Practices to Manage Your Mind and Heal Your Heart© methodology. The songs are emailed to you as a digital file.
Beautiful original watercolor pages by Michael LeBold, well known artist in San Diego, who also painted the cover for IMYA from the photograph. Incredible work!
The first of its kind! There are grief meditations in the marketplace, but none address Anticipatory pet loss and grief. To have a guide like this to help you moment by moment while you are facing the loss of your pet will be a source of comfort you can turn to anytime over and over.
To provide even more valuable healing, this meditation includes a pdf worksheet that highlights parts of this mediation to help you experience the mediation at a deeper level, creating a more personal healing experience for you. Unlimited listening!
This professionally created 15 minute mediation is written by Nancy Gordon and will be produced by Jeff Gelder in his professional recording studio.
It is set to music and guides you through the common challenges of anticipatory grief.
See all activity27Testimonials
“ What a breath of fresh air to have a skilled therapist specializing in anticipatory grief offering & infusing her insight into the veterinary space. I will definitely be sharing this beautiful & thoughtfully written book with my clients. Not only will animal lovers feel deeply seen & moved by this book, but I know that my veterinary colleagues will find invaluable support for this important, heartfelt, sensitive, & emotional work we do for animals & their caregivers every day. ”
- Dr. Eve Harrison, VMD, CVA, CVPM, CCFP
The House Call Vet Academy
"As an expert on pet loss grief, Nancy shares her journey from anticipating the loss of her dogs to letting them go, teaching us tools, skills, and practices that heal your heart. This book shows us how to address grief and trauma effectively." ~ Karen Shaw Becker, Animal Wellness Expert and Veterinarian, NYT best-selling author
"I feel compassion is one of the most important things along with support, because it’s a scary journey to open up to someone and basically cry your heart and soul out when you have no idea what’s going on. It really gets into the depths of grief and the reality of what you will experience, but it’s said in a gentle way.
We aren’t educated on grief/loss then when it happens, we have to find our way the best we know. I wish someone would have told me loss would trigger unhealed grief/issues and that it’s valid to have grief for certain situations, pets, jobs, etc. Grief is a life changing experience and we aren’t meant to suffer. We
have to continue to live and find joy. When you mentioned experiencing joy was just as important as healing, that was a HUGE eye opener to me. That’s when I really started changing my views on grief and started living again."~ Stacie Dorado, pet loss client. Dec 14 2021
"Nancy Gordon has been an incredible source of support and comfort for me during one of the most challenging times of my life. After losing my dear dog Marley, I was overwhelmed with grief and didn't know how to cope. Nancy's compassionate and understanding approach helped me navigate through my emotions and find healing.
Her guidance and expertise in pet grief counseling provided me with the tools I needed to process my feelings and honor the memory of Marley in a healthy way. Through our sessions, I learned to cherish the beautiful moments I shared with Marley and gradually found peace in my heart.
Not only did I learn about grief, but to my surprise, as I continued sessions with Nancy, I found myself changing a lot. I began opening my heart to family members, processed old grief I didn't even know I held, and have now re-established a good relationship with my son. I learned that I may always miss Marley, but I can change how that affects me. In this way and that it can help me grow. Nancy is amazing. She changed my life!
Nancy's empathy and genuine care have been invaluable to me, and I am truly grateful for her presence in my life during this difficult journey of pet loss. I highly recommend Nancy Gordon to anyone in need of support and guidance through the grieving process of losing a beloved pet. Thank you, Nancy, for helping me find solace and healing in the midst of sorrow."
~John Autolino pet loss client 2023
"Nancy, I could not help but think of you when reading this message today {attached, about the stages of grief that are really not in any order!}. We’re only 5 days away from the date of Nugget’s passing a year ago. Keith and I have definitely had our moments this week — reliving his last Earth-side birthday and all these days in between that and when he died. It’s heavy but I’m digging deep into the things you taught me and this message really solidified that I’m doing all the “right things” when experiencing and understanding my grief. I particularly love how it calls out — you don’t move from 1-2-3-4-5; it’s more like 1-4-2-3-5-2-3-2-1-4-2-5-2-1-4-5. I cannot thank you enough, Nancy." Alison Rose pet loss client
`Update from Alison Dec 20 23, new puppy over a year later than her angel Dog Nugget:
emailed Dec 20 23
"We picked up our new bundle of joy, Rosie Rose, yesterday and can honestly say the hole in our hearts isn’t filled up all the way, but the hole is a lot less smaller than it ever was. I can’t thank you enough for helping Keith and I in this year of grief. We still have our moments and I even had anticipatory grief today saying to myself “I know one day I’m going to lose her too” but I know staying in the moment is the best place to be. Photos attached :)" Alison Rose
"Nancy, I hope you are well and here's my testimony. I hope this helps others! Thanks for your compassion and understanding regarding my anticipatory grief. It helped me to discuss what steps that I can take to mitigate that grief. I appreciate your suggestions of making lists of each decision and how I would feel about it."
!Sincerely, Cynthia L. pet loss client
"My short session with Nancy was very impactful. She helped me navigate the factors that was blocking my grieving process. She helped me understand my own personal grief with my baby Nalla apart from knowing what grief looks like in general. Pet grief is totally different and minimized by a lot of people. It’s an uncharted territory and Nancy is a blessing for all pet parents when it comes to navigating pet loss. Thank you Nancy" -Grechell S
"Thanks so much for All the support you extended me, the empathy, and the incredibly deep understanding of the devastation of loss of a pet. Your services and insight are exemplary and so very unique. Big hug for you and a pet to Toaster’s and Pink’s angels."
~Denise Davis - San Diego 🐕
Meet the team
- 10 ordered
- 40 remaining
VERY Early bird price! 1 copy of IMYA and online course with a Companion Journal. These books have limited availability because this is a "special run", signed and shipped by me.
This book set is like a DYI course. The Journal prompts, passages and quotes from the book follow each chapter in IMYA. Using the journal after reading each chapter helps to deepen your understanding as it pertains to your personal journey. This leads to more healing.
Sharing is Caring! Gift this IMYA set to any family member or friend who has, is or will be going through pet grief will feel so supported by you. It's comforting and healing, as it educates the reader about anticipatory pet grief.
It's like a DYI course and you could even do it together!
The Journal prompts and quotes follow each chapter in IMYA so you can personalize, write about, and focus on material relevant to your journey and take a deeper dive.
BUY one, GIFT one= 4 books: 2 IMYA soft cover books and 2 IMYA Companion Jounals.
Yes it does!
This gift is intended exclusively for purchase by animal care professionals (veterinarians, animal hospital staff, pet sitters, etc.
It's not easy on the heart to euthanize anyone's pet, but if it must be done, then providing a bereavement gift that shows how much you care really makes a difference at that tender moment between you and your client. They will remember you. They will cherish this gift of honoring their pet and their parenting.
It not only sends a caring message to the client, but it also makes you feel good about offering the variety of grief resources I offer in this support gift.
When Toaster and Pink flew over the Rainbow Bridge, it didn't feel like a rainbow. What did help me was that right away, all of their many vets sent me cards that reminded me of what a good parent I was, a pet loss storybook, a tree planted in their name or something to offer support and comfort.
Large bulk order pricing and customization is available.
In this package, (which can be customized), contains:
*50 paper copies of this valuable guide on What To Do Immediately After the Loss of Your Pet . Like the hour after, like the day of. Like the day after...written by Nancy Gordon, LCSW
Combining professional expertise on communication, and personal experience of loss.
*50 Paws For Comfort bereavement support card created by Nancy Gordon, LCSW. "When you don't know what to say, we do!"
Combining professional expertise on communication, and personal experience of loss.
This is a discounted fee for a full 50 minute video session with me. I promise you will walk away feeling better than you came in! (based on my experience with clients at the end of a session).
Also included are the discounted and signed copy of IMYA and the Companion Journal AND a photo of you and your pet (or just your pet) with a few sentences you want to express your honoring and remembering your pet on my website's memorial page
I'd like to support the costs of my services, so I offer unique financing options through this campaign platform if you want to continue with me.
This ticket gains you entrance to an "invite only" live 1 hour webinar I will offer after the book is published, so date TBD.
The intention of this webinar is to offer what's NOT in the book: exclusive insight into my journey of writing this book and how I managed unexpected triggers of MORE grief than I expected. There's a lot to tell!
I will facilitate a discussion and Q & A about this and anything in the book participants wish to discuss. I have no doubt participants will walk away with a greater understanding of what it means find ways to honor their pet and to share their grief.
One SIGNED copy of Pink the 3 Legged Dog Who Lost Her Leg and Found Her Courage©
Pink's true inspirational story for children (and adults! She helped ME get off the couch and figure out "how to do it differently"!)
Beautifully written and illustrated, this book tells the story about how to change your reaction to life's challenges and rise to resilience.
There are 3 original digital songs based on the themes of this book, which are taken from my 7 Powerful Practices to Manage Your Mind and Heal Your Heart© methodology. The songs are emailed to you as a digital file.
Beautiful original watercolor pages by Michael LeBold, well known artist in San Diego, who also painted the cover for IMYA from the photograph. Incredible work!
The first of its kind! There are grief meditations in the marketplace, but none address Anticipatory pet loss and grief. To have a guide like this to help you moment by moment while you are facing the loss of your pet will be a source of comfort you can turn to anytime over and over.
To provide even more valuable healing, this meditation includes a pdf worksheet that highlights parts of this mediation to help you experience the mediation at a deeper level, creating a more personal healing experience for you. Unlimited listening!
This professionally created 15 minute mediation is written by Nancy Gordon and will be produced by Jeff Gelder in his professional recording studio.
It is set to music and guides you through the common challenges of anticipatory grief.
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